On the 17th August 2014 Empress Mennen Foundation will be hosting Marcus Garvey Sports Day in Soweto. A family Day and a Fundraising Event in line with the works of the Foundation. We spoke to Fabia ‘MpressFabulous’ Sepanya, founder of the Foundation to give us more insight into the works thereof.
Eh it go so..
When was the foundation formed?
The Foundation was formed a year ago (2013), when it started out it was three Sistas.
What is the aim/purpose/objective of the foundation?
We saw a need for fulfilling our creed which is (Let the hungry be fed, Sick nourished, Aged protected, and thy Infants cared for)
Who formed the foundation and why
The Foundation was formed by Three Rasta woman who were sitting together chatting and at one point during the conversation, realized that they were all aware of the Poverty that is going on around them and who saw a need to share their blessings with those less fortunate than them and who as parents were touched deeply by children that go to bed with an empty belly.
How did you come about choosing the name Empress Menen for the foundation?
As a Rastafari sista,I follow the teachings of Haile Sellasie and Empress Menen and when you read about Empress Menen, you get to see that she gave of herself to Ethiopia, even though she had plenty as a Queen, she never forgot to share with those that don’t have. Charity work was something very close to her heart and she did so much in the lifetime. We chose the name in remembrance of her and to also continue where she left of.
Who are the members/ is it open to the public / how does one join
At the moment I’m the only member and I’m being assisted by a few sistas and brothers. The organization is open to the public and to Join you can just get in touch with us.
What type of works are you involved in
We currently are collecting clothes and handing them over to people in need as the Creed says let the naked be clothed. We raise funds to be able to buy uniform for kids in need of it. We also are looking into opening up a soup kitchen and handing out food parcels in the near future.
What are your personal highlights for yourself and for the foundation?
Highlights for me really are seeing the smiles and happy faces of the people that we assist and knowing you have done your bit to make it better for someone else.
Any links with other Empress Menen groups here at home and abroad?
We currently are working with a Sista in PE with the works of charity that she is doing and are looking at linking with other groups here at home and abroad.
What is the difficult part of running the foundation?
Funds,Funds,Funds! and we are currently looking for land which is difficult to get so we can start with things like food gardens.
Have you got any sponsorship?
At the moment we do not have any sponsors everything comes from our own Pockets.
What message would you like to tell our readers?
Give thanks for all the support we have been receiving and to say I am because you are, You are because I am. Motho ke motho ka batho.Lets take the foundation forward and lets be part of its growth.
Get in touch with the Foundation:
Tel: 0723932919
Facebook:Menen Foundation