Nik DaFrik & Whitney – Something’s Gotta Give | Video

Artists: Nik DaFrik, Whitney
Title: Something’s Gotta Give
Track producer: LaSoul
Genre: Hip Hop / Dancehall
Music video producer: Greenback Media Group
Release: April 2017

Having settled in South Africa several years ago, Nik DaFrik aims to capture in his music and videos
the “spirit” of Cape Town.

This video is an introduction to the beauty that the Atlantic seaboard and its surroundings has to offer,
in the beginning of the summer. Hout Bay is known for its green valleys, mountains and beautiful blue
ocean. The two artists Nik DaFrik and Whitney are rising to the sky in this incredible video shot by
Greenback Media Group and produced by LaSoul, music producer with a crazy flair of catchy
melodies, delivering here an efficient mix of dancehall and hip hop.

The music video is based around a “pool party” organised by Nik DaFrik, attended by Whitney.
At home, Whitney realises that her boyfriend does not want to give her attention. She decides to go
to the party, to break away. The chemistry between Nik DaFrik and Whitney becomes activated in a
strong bond and connection between them.

In the verse, Nik raps about being grateful for the support from his team and his supporters. By
contrast, in the second verse he shows his dissatisfaction, and develop about the psychology of so
called “haters”. He speaks about their inability to separate illogical emotions from rational. He asks
why haters don’t promote each other so we all can succeed and prosper together as brothers and
sisters in the music industry: “haters will hate, but the best solution is just to surprise them”.

Whitney is originally a gospel artist, with great sense of fashion. Performing in various
events/competitions (Artscape Youth Jazz Festival, Clash of the Choirs, GrandWest Open Mic Jazz
Competition), locally praised, she considered taking her talent beyond her comfort zone to make this
beautiful collaboration with Nik.

Find more about Nik DaFrik on social media with @nikdafrik or #nikdafrik or go to:



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