ADWA Movement Cape Town Launches Decolonisation Week | 2025

Roots Culture Heritage Decolonisation week

Roots Culture Heritage and Decolonisation Week – A grassroots Decolonial Project

The Adwa movement is poised to initiate a new and exciting project: Roots Culture Heritage and Decolonisation (RCHD) – with the culmination of the 10th Annual Adwa Victory Parade in Cape Town on March 01, 2025. The RCHD theme for this year is Decolonisation. The Decolonisation week draws on the successes, momentum and grassroots community building that Adwa movement has achieved over the years.

The Adwa movement was formed in 2016 through a coalition of RasTafari organisations, communities and platforms. The movement was born from an uprising against police brutality taking place in RasTafari communities and against RasTafari people in public spaces. A series of raids and arrests lead to a collective effort to address the police repression of RasTafari in CT.

On 1 March 2016 the first Adwa Victory Parade, in the form of a protest march to the South African parliament in Cape Town that saw a huge turnout from the RasTa Communities in Cape Town. In 2020 the screening of the documentary: Adwa an African victory with a discussion panel became part of the annual programme. Over the past 9 years it has evolved from a one-day demonstration to an informative programme that commemorates the scramble for Africa – Berlin conference – and celebrates the decolonial struggle and Africa’s anti-colonial victories at Adwa and Salt River.

For its 10th anniversary the Adwa movement is Initiating a week long programme that synthesises the teachings and conversations about Berlin, Salt River and Adwa into a singular narrative. Unlike #RhodesMustFall and #FeesMustFall that centred the decolonial project in university spaces and slowed its cultural work pace since 2016, the Adwa movement has grounded the decolonial project in civil society and community-based grassroots with momentum to champion roots, culture, heritage and decolonisation.

The Decolonisation Week is a. four day flagship programme that involves participants and guests in a series of both in-reach and outreach activities/events. These include: a parade; documentary screenings; presentations; cultural heritage sector talks; music concert; keynote speeches; practical workshops, with the aim to manifest dialogue and action.

RCHD 2025 : Decolonisation Week Programme

Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Decolonisation Week Launch
Venue: Trenchtown, 143 Lower Main Rd, Observatory, Cape Town
Concert dubbed Cape Catacombs: An event featuring various conscious artists from various genres. A Documentary Screening, Open Mic and Live Performances

Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Roots Heritage Culture Decolonisation Week Opening
Key Note Address
Dr. Wandile Kasibe
PHD, Sociologist, Museologist, Chevening Scholar, PHD: Museums and the construction of Race Ideologies, Rhodes Must Fall Movement

Patric Tariq Mellet
Heritage Activist and author of several books including the Lie of 1652 and The Truth about Cape Slavery. Mellet is a liberation struggle veteran.

Thursday, February 27, 2025
Panel Discussion: An intergenerational dialogue
Venue: Castle of Good Hope | 6pm
Decolonial Reasoning: Unmaking The Scramble for Africa Project of 1885
Annelise Kotze – Curator, Heritage Activist
Dr. Asher Gamedze – Radical Thinker, Musician, Fees Must Fall Activist
Masixole Mlandu – Decolonial Scholar, Pan Africanist, Masters Candidate
Moderator: Chante Williams.

Friday, February 28, 2025
Screening of ADWA the documentary by award-winning director Haile Gerima, at the Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town. The evening programme will take the form of a San Bushman ceremony with a healing dance around a fire at the Castle lead by indigenous San cultural practitioners, healers and activists.

Saturday , March 1, 2025
Adwa x Salt River victories Parade 2025 Route:
Parade will begin on Keizengracht parking lot in front Cape Peninsula University Of Technology: E-Learning Centre area and continue along Darling Street. The parade then turns left onto Buitekant Street, takes a right onto Roeland Street, towards Parliament / statue, and returns to Buitekant street: ends at Cape Castle of Good Hope.

For more information contact
Ras Hein
Public Relations Officer of theAdwa movement
Co-constructor of Roots, Culture, Heritage and Decolonisation week

Decolonisation Week Cape Town 2025



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