Black Roots – Me Cry | Lyric Video

Black Roots – Me Cry | Lyric Video

Black Roots - Me Cry

Label: Nubian Records
Video Credit: 8th Sense Media
March 2022

‘Me Cry’ describes the way that some of the most powerful nations find ways to manipulate public opinion at home by creating narratives to protect their interests and then use these to justify direct intervention in countries. The song asks ‘Who give you the rights, to take a man’s life? who give you the right, to leap I from my home?’ Recent examples of this include Iraq and Libya, who are still suffering today from these politricks.

The violence and hardships experienced only spread misery and death amongst ordinary people who are just seeking to survive from one day to the next. It laments the fact that people are dying ‘bullet to the head’ and that mothers are crying at the senseless death and despair they suffer and witness, ‘me mother belly bust, she’s crying, oh yeah, she’s crying’.

Then the focus moves to Africa and the parallel is drawn between this and what is, and has been happening there from time. ‘You set up Africa, you take all his possessions’ But in Africa, the process is more subtle ‘they rob us of our eyes, to lead us to babylon’ It is another example of the way Black Roots uses happenings in the world to deliver an alternative view and raise awareness.

Video Clip Produced and edited by 8th Sense Media

The single is taken from the album Nothing in the Larder the available to stream download buy from:



error: Irie !!