Collaborate with us

Collaborate with Us

ReggaeMzansi is operated on a voluntary basis and therefore is a nonprofit organization with an ambitious mission to unite reggae dancehall massive in the southern region of Azania through sharing and exchanging of knowledge, music, insights, sights.

The main focus at present is a regional gig guide, so that one and all can be tuned into what the reggae scene is like in the other parts of the country other than where one is currently based.

As we grow, we will be looking for foot souljahs to report on the reggae dancehall scene in their respective areas. We are looking especially at areas such as Bloemfontein, Polokwane, KZN,  Zim,  Lesotho, Swaziland Angola and basically jah souljahs in all provinces.

We will also be looking for photographers videographers to capture live concerts, dancehall, people and places to be published in our gallery.

And as for you wordsmiths and lyrical souljahs, we will be glad to publish your articles on anything related to the reggae world and its distant relative.


Here is your chance to make a contribution towards uplifting, unifying, growing and strengthening our industry.


Inbox us with your details, your area of interest and your location. So we can bless you with mo info.

Let us know how you would like to contribute and journey with us as we grow.

And memba to like us of FB or follow us on twitter or google+ us.

Lets grow together.

Spread the word.

Grow it. Share it. Love it.

The mzansiReggae Team.



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