Covid 19 by Ginger Cobra (SoulFyah Productions)

In the flurry of Covid 19 inspired songs that came out in the last three months, one that stands out is Ginger Cobra‘s Covid 19. It is has the pure authentic Mzansi Reggae Sound. Finding a perfect equilibrium between isiXhosa and Roots Reggae. The song blends in the  the tradition on an Imbhongi (praise poet) style laced over a heavy bass line in the tradition of Roots Reggae to deliver one of the unique Reggae Song to ever come out of Mzansi Reggae.

Ginger Cobra hails from Cape Town and has been in the music industry for over two decades performing in the streets of Cape Town and Johannesburg and making appearances on TV shows like Face of Africa, Miss Teen South Africa 2000. He has been played on radio stations such as YFM, Radio Zibonele and Bush Radio in Cape Town. He is currently based in the United States where he is   working on new material from his production studio Rantrack Records and will release the his songs under the label Big & Large  Productions.

Title: Covid 19
Artist: Ginger Cobra
Genre: Reggae
Produced by: Vumile Sitokisi
Label: SoulFyah Productions
Release: April 2020


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