



All reasonable measures have been taken to ensure the quality, reliability and accuracy of the information on this website. However, MzansiReggae

  • May delete, add to or amend information on this website without notice
  • Is not responsible for the contents of other websites linked to or referenced from this website and
  • Makes no warranties or representation expressed or implied as to the accuracy of the information contained in this website.

The website is intended to provide information only.  If you are seeking advice on any matters relating to the information on this website you should – where appropriate – contact us directly with your specific query

We encourage you to take steps to obtain the most up to date information and to confirm the accuracy and reliability of any information on this by directly communicating with us []

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We will take all reasonable steps to protect any communication over the internet between you and but we cannot guarantee the security of such communication.


The information on this website is derived from many sources:

In relation to information on this website that is protected by copyright, such information may be printed for personal or in-house use without formal permission or charge. However, in relation to information other than for the purpose of personal or in-house use, you must not copy, reproduce, or adapt in any way such information without prior written permission from

In relation to information on this website that is subject to the copyright of a third party, permission to reproduce such information must be obtained from that copyright holder.

If you feel in any way that MzansiReggae has in any way violated copyrights on text or images on our website, please contact us and we will do what is necessary to fix this violation.

If you find images on our website that you think you should be credited for, please let us know via

For the artists on this website:  If you find anything on this website that is wrong or shouldn’t be on this site, tell us and we change things the right way . And please do send us your most recent press pictures so we can that and keep the site updated.


The event advertising service offered on is offered in good faith. We do not endorse, take no responsibility and accepts no liability for the actions of individual operators or promoters or other persons listed as part of this

MzansiReggae gives no warranty or assurance, and makes no representation, as to the accuracy or completeness or lawfulness of the material and information contained in the event listings.

MzansiReggae shall not be liable for any losses or damages, including incidental or consequential damages, resulting from any use of or reliance upon any information contained in the event listings.

Any person interested in any of the services or products referred to in this document should make their own independent enquiries and rely upon their own independent advice before making any decision that has or may have legal or financial consequences.

error: Irie !!