Ras Tafari Community of South Africa Founding Summit

Ras Tafari Community of South Africa (RCSA) Founding Summit 2021

Ras Tafari Community SA - RCSA

Sustaining Ras Tafari livelihoods through education, Agriculture, health and welfare.

The Ras Tafari Community Of South Africa (RCSA) is a Non-Profit Company and a coordinating body of all members of Ras Tafari Community living in South Africa. The RCSA held a founding summit at Tshirela Qwaqwa, in Jerusalem School on 15 – 20 June 2021 (Commemoration of Leonard Howell Birthday and Jerusalem land grant in Tshirela, Phuthaditjhaba, Qwaqwa, Free State). In this Summit, which was represented by delegates from five (5) provinces (Mpumalanga, Gauteng, Free State, Limpopo and Western Cape), the RCSA adopted working drafts such as the Constitution, Financial policy, Repatriation Committee Guideline, Grade 1 Syllabus, Agricultural Blueprint, Health and Education Blueprint, Finance, Trade and Economy Blueprint. On these blueprints all Ras Tafari stakeholders are requested and expected to make inputs, in order for all to own all aspects of InI governmental affairs in South Africa.

The RCSA is a body whose membership is open to and composed of Houses, Mansions, Organisations And Individual Rases who all make up Ras Tafari Community of South Africa. The RCSA is a Theocracy Arm of Ras Tafari and therefore address itself to all governmental aspects common to addressing similar needs and aspirations of members of the Ras Tafari community living in South Africa.

The RCSA primarily aims at establishing a stable socio-economic base and a viable and sustainable economic development framework. Then it aims at sustaining Ras Tafari livelihoods through education, Agriculture, health and welfare. The RCSA will play a prominent role in facilitating repatriation and reparations of Ras Tafari Sons and Daughters abroad as Africa is for the Africans those at home and abroad.

RCSA is currently administered by the interim Executive Committee which was elected on the founding summit held in Qwaqwa.
The Interim Executive Committee Members are:
Ilect of Throne
Elder Congo Afrika
078 1719561

Deputy Ilect of Throne
Elder Asher
071 335 3600

Ilect of Records
Ras Inity
Irie State
063 1943296

Deputy Ilect of Records
Ras Tsika
Irie State
081 553 1412

Deputy Ilect of Records
Ras Mikael
Iirie State
063 972 3772
Amabeleng@live.co.za ;

Ilect of Treasurer
Sister Fire Angel
082 340 1497

Deputy Ilect of Treasurer
Ras Eshe
060 958 1800

Ras Kumkani
082 340 1497

Ras Abuna Za Dengel
Irie State
067 274 9917

Elder Zenabo
Irie State
083 665 9850

Ras Thabo
Western Cape
Still to be confirmed

Elder Cool
Still to be confirmed

Elder JahRa
Still to be confirmed

For further information contact RCSA on: rastafaricommunitysa@gmail.com



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