Roots Unity Presents Nga Han “The Living Stream” Chapter One (June 2020)

Nga Han "The Living Stream" Chapter One 

Roots Unity Presents Nga Han “The Living Stream” Chapter One: is the result of a collaboration between Jamaican Roots Reggae vocalist Nga Han and Producer Uta Maruanaya of Roots Unity Music, Holland, After a first encounter at an Earl 16 concert late 2019 ,they ended up staying together at Earth Works Studio early in 2020 and the rest is history. Even though Uta was mostly busy working for the studio as a dubplate cutting engineer, the vibes were often around and within a short amount of time an album was produced.

“The Living Stream” contains melodic tones and rootical rhythms, with dynamic harmonies and encouraging words to match.This initial offering also features the hands of Swedish producer/guitarist Maxie Freeman, drummer Bunnington Judah and guitarist Milan van Wingerden.

The inspiration for the album (including artwork) comes from a realization that we’re all in the Creation stream as ordained by the Creator. And to rather flow with it’s current , than against it. This is called co-creation. This is the Way. This is Peace.

A first taste of the works was given with the release of “Nazarene” last April , which received many positive reactions. Now Roots Unity is happy and proud to present a Full Album. “The Living Stream” is aptly subtitled “Chapter One” , being the first release in a series of albums in the musical pipeline.

Drums : Bunnington Judah , Uta
Piano/Rhodes : Uta
Guitar : Ras P, Uta, Maxie Freeman, Milan van Wingerden
Organ : Ras P, Uta
Bass : Uta , Dave , Biko, Dan Granero, Ben King
Flute/Sax : King Cooper
Percussion : Uta, Nga , Ras P, Maxie Freeman
Melodica, Synths, Trombone, Digital Programming: Uta
# Except for “Live Life Love” – All instruments : Maxie Freeman

Recorded at : Earth Works Studio / Roots Unity Studio / Johnny Dub Studio/Maxie Freeman Studio
Voiced at : Earth Works Studio
Mixed at : Johnny Dub Studio / Dub Culture Studio / Roots Unity Studio
Mastered at : Johnny Dub Studio by Uta

The Living Stream Album



error: Irie !!