An anniversary that Rototom Sunsplash has used as a turning point to introduce some changes in its current format: to set stable dates for future editions and move from the current eight day format to one of seven. Thus, the purpose of the organization is to celebrate the festival from August 16 to 22, with seven days in which to present a “much more intense programme, with the same amount of activities as before that were distributed over more days”, says the director of the macro reggae event, Filippo Giunta. “The public will have more daily offerings to choose from and enjoy; the programme will not lose anything, to the contrary, it will gain in intensity and variety.”

What does not change is the Rototom Sunsplash philosophy, marked by its multicultural profile, social and environmental commitment, self-management model -“that gives us freedom to choose what we want to offer”- and the variety of parallel activities it offers to the public in its different areas, “beyond the music itself”.
Rototom Sunsplash 24th Edition dedicated to Africa
Advance ticket sales for the Rototom Sunsplash’s 25th anniversary will begin at 23.00 on December 15 via the Rototom Sunsplash website.
220,000 festival goers from 98 different countries attended the 2017 edition of the festival.