Timulemekeze – Kon Liv, Nkhwyko and Charlie B | Audio

Timulemekeze – Nkhwyko Nkhoyami


Title: Timulemekeze
Artist: Kon Liv (Solomoni) | Nkhwyko (Nkhoyami)| Charlie B (Masalimo)
Produced by: Chycoon
Label: Njuchi Records
Release:  26/08/2018

Timulemekeze  means ‘Lets Exalt Him’ in the Chewa Language of Malawi. It is a conscious Reggae song which is very strong in uplifting the most high , JAH RASTAFARAI  for the good things he has done from the ancient of days into the future. How his mercies endures forever.

About the Artists
Nkhwyko (Nkhoyami), Charlie b (masalimo ) and Kon liv (Solomoni) are dancehall and reggae artist who have been in the industry for almost  a decade but due to tough climate their music was hindered because of making the ends meet through working piece jobs, and hustling in the street.
Now they are ready to take the music to some describable heights which will change the climate of reggae in Africa.

You can get more of our information on these numbers:
Nkhwyko ( 060 418 2222 )
Charlie B (078 318 7924)
Kon liv (078 574 3109)



error: Irie !!