SARMA- Western Cape,
On 18th January 2015, about 36 people attended a meeting of the Western Cape branch of
the Southern African Reggae Music Association. The objectives of the meeting was to
initiate the formation of the Western Cape branch and to get the branch active through
implementing programs that will advance the interest of Reggae music in the province and
The meeting was attended by artists, musicians, producers and Sound System, also
attending were some representatives from the Marcus Garvey Community. The energy and
the participation of those present was positive with a strong vibe that shows that people
want things to work out for the best. An interim committee was elected in order for them to
steer the organization towards a direction that will help the association to render a good
service to the members.
Another highlight of the meeting is the fact that most people agree that, somehow we have
to unite and work together towards advancing the interest of Reggae in SA. The association
is also seen as a vehicle that could create a platform that will facilitate the Unity.
Also there was an agreement that a community radio stations that plays Reggae music on a
daily basis could benefit the Reggae community. The Rastafari community in Cape Town has
also been discussing the idea of a community radio station, and is also willing to team up
with artists and musicians to work towards setting up a Radio station.
A point was made that most of the interest groups and communities have their own
community radio stations except Rastas. It therefore makes sense to use the Rastafari
community as basis for a community radio station because most Reggae artists are Rastas.
In the meetings it was also made clear that the association is not another Rasta organisation
but a music industry vehicle that should be used to benefit all who are involved in the
Reggae music business.
There is also a need for the other provinces to set up provincial branches so that we can
work together towards having a consolidated national structure. The interim committee is
currently working towards meeting soon in order to forward with the works.
Ras Vuyo.